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Holograph manuscript titled "The Goose Egg Ranch House and 'The Virginian'" as found in the Articles, Bulletins, Compliments, Correspondence and Speeches series of the Alfred J. Mokler Papers. At the collection-level the the Alfred J. Mokler Papers…

Photograph of the Goose Egg Ranch House taken in 1925 and developed at the Kimball Drug Store in Casper, Wyoming.

CCA 01.ii.c.2024.01_DevonKing_OralHistory.m4a
Oral history recorded with Devon King on his triptych Ethereal Ephemerality 1, 3, 4. This was recorded after it was purchased by the Casper College Goodstein Foundation Library for the student art collection it started during the spring of 2024.

CCA 01.ii.c.2024.01_MadisonHarvey_OralHistory.m4a
Oral history recorded with Madison Harvey on her work making Romans 12:2 after it was purchased by the Casper College Goodstein Foundation Library for the student art collection it started during the spring of 2024.

Story titledHal Hardypublished in the fall 1964 Casper College Expression magazine.
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