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  • Collection: Walter R. Jones Manuscripts and Other Writings

NCA 01.v.1996.01_Sandbar Manuscript_The Columbia Theatre 1st Version.pdf
Manuscript draft of chapter 7 of Walter R. Jone's The Sandbar describing the Columbia Theatre in Casper, Wyoming. 

NCA 01.v.1996.01_CasperCentennial1889-1989byIrvingGarbuttandChuckMorison.pdf
Article written by Walter R. Jones on the Casper Centennial by Irving Garbutt and Chuck Morrison.

NCA 01.v.1996.01_AnnalsofWyomingfall1976.pdf
Article written by Walter R. Jones on Caspers prohibition years.

NCA 01.v.1996.01_CasperCityBuses.pdf
Article written by Walter R. Jones on the Casper city buses.

NCA 01.v.1996.01_TheSandBar.pdf
Article written by Walter R. Jones on the Sandbar

NCA 01.v.1996.01_Caspersmotionpicturehouses.pdf
Article written by Walter R. Jones on Caspers motion picture houses.

NCA 01.v.1996.01_Earlymotion-picturetheatersincasper1908-1929.pdf
Article written by Walter R. Jones on the early motion-picture houses in Casper.
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