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A dandy mess; Returning to Casper, Too-Goo-Tee Pass; putting the meal in ice house

The final touches; Lee bagged two geese, preparing them for the oven, Geo and Ikie were proud to be in picture

Waiting on the shore of Jackson Lake for Lee to take 'em goose hunting in the motor boat. Lee never showed up.

It was a hot day when this picture was snapped. The Movie people made this scene possible. It is imitation snow.

Bill, Ikie. and George went goose hunting one cool morning. They alternated keeping a lookout. Between lookouts, coffee was served. The fire felt mighty good.

Rear view of cabin shows our private gasoline station. Also our washing. Bill is all dolled up.

The Tetons in all their splendor; Lee over hauling the motor. This picture taken from in front of the cabin. Note how distinct everything is.
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