Browse Collections (188 total)
Alcova Dam Project Photo Album
This digital collection consists of scans of photographs from a photo album documenting the construction of Alcova Dam. The photographs were taken in…
Alfred J. Mokler Letterboxes

The Alfred J. Mokler Letterboxes are a series of the larger archival collection that are his papers. Both his Letterboxes and his Notebooks available…
Alfred J. Mokler Papers

The Alfred J. Mokler Papers consist of holograph manuscripts, which is to say, manuscripts written in the author's hand, and typescripts from the…
Archival Research 101 through a History of the Sandbar

This digital resource contains copies of photographs and newspaper clippings used in the research for the History of The Sand Bar by Walter R. Jones.…
Big Horn Hotel Records

This collection contains 3 volumes of Hotel Registers and a Guest Book used by the Big Horn Hotel in Arminto, WY. Researchers will also find copies of…
Casper Area Chamber of Commerce Photographs

This digital collection contains photographs that were used by the Casper Area Chamber of Commerce before being gifted to the Casper College Archives…
Don Treglown Photographs of Casper, Wyoming

This collection contains seven photographs of buildings and streets in Casper, WY. These photographs all appear to have been taken between 1941 and…
Frances Seely Webb Collection

The Frances Seely Webb Collection contains over 1,400 photographs, correspondence, handwritten research notes, the proof copy of Webb's book, Casper's…
Jack Rosenthal Map Collection

The Jack Rosenthal Map Collection consists of 27 framed maps archived by the Casper College Western History Center. Jack Rosenthal was a businessman…